We started today at Crater Primary School; a school of about 700 children. We were able to use their big field (complete with long grass!) to continue our cricket and HIV/Aids awareness and education of the local children. Once again the children showed us their cricketing skills whilst we taught them a couple of dances and songs to help them along. They were so happy and thankful for us coming, and the looks of enjoyment on their faces will stay with us for a long time.
We then carried on to Nakuru High School for Boys where we played games with around 40 boys aged from14-18 years old. We managed to finish the games just in time for the lawnmowers to come and cut the grass (a herd of about 50 cows!)
Our busy day continued in the afternoon where we split into two groups. One group going to Nakuru Day High School, and the other to Afraha School. The first group coached around 45 children continuing the messages of HIV/Aids Awareness whilst the other group who finished slightly later ended up playing cricket in a 10 foot x 10 foot shelter due to the heavens opening. The ability of the coaches to adapt to different scenarios and situations is unbelievable and one of the major reasons this trip is really making a difference to the children here.