As the team woke into another hot stuffy day we set our sights to visit a local orphanage. We all boarded the mean machine and arrived at the SCANN Orphanage in Nakuru. This being our first experience of the slums in Africa both shock and excitement kicked in.
We set about doing some coaching for the morning and performed a 4 station circuit with drills for batting, bowling, throwing and catching. Engaging around 75 young orphans we brought them together to play a massive game of ‘Heptaganol’ Cricket.
After the session we gave out CWB ‘Bowling AIDS out of Kenya’ t shirts and CWB Wristbands to the participants.
For our first day coaching it was certainly and amazing experience and an eye opener to the world that we live in and the fortune we have.
Off to go watch a 50 over game at the Rift Valley Sorts Club… Could this one last for more than an hour though????