Today we started at St Joseph’s Primary School. A school of 1200 children all of whom came out to greet us and spent 30 minutes ‘high five-ing’, touching and talking to us. An amazing experience to see how amazed and excited all of these children were to see us. Over the next 3 hours we coached around 300 children, all of whom learnt some new cricket related songs as well as the important ABC messages.
In the afternoon we headed to Jamhuri Primary School, one of the poorest schools we had been to. A lot of the children here were from the local orphanages and literally had nothing. To be able to engage, entertain and provide enjoyment for these children, as well as talking to them about the life saving messages of HIV/Aids was something that will never be forgotten by the group.
This brought to a close our coaching in schools in Nakuru. Over 4 days we were able to reach over 1500 children, not only giving them the opportunity to play cricket but also talking to them about the ABC’s and HIV/Aids. Memories of these 4 days will never be forgotten. We hope that we have helped to change some of the lives of these incredible children.