Day 4 – Kisulisuli and Langa Langa

We arrived at Kisulisuli Primary School and yet again another poverty stricken school in Nakuru, Kenya. We delivered various coaching stations and dancing and singing, and had some great talks with the children about HIV/AIDS, asking them if they know how they catch it, and telling them about how they can get tested and treated, and reinforcing the ABC messages.

The children had not played much cricket before so it real treat for them to have all of us coaches come out and show them some new skills and have heaps of fun with them.  We coached over 100 children in the morning.

We then went on to Langa Langa secondary school, where we had over 100 children, we had some great ABC AIDS awareness messages put into various cricket drills and skills. like protecting your stumps, and that you only have one chance not to be out! and so much more., the children were really getting to grips with the ABC’s. It is amazing that in a very short time with a group of children how much impact you can have in what is potentially life saving to them!

All the CWB volunteers are doing a fantastic job, and it is amazing where all our energy is coming from to keep going and working hard to give us much as we can to as many as we can out here. Cricket is a universal language and it is making a significant difference to many lives in Kenya 🙂

Tracey D xx

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4 Responses to Day 4 – Kisulisuli and Langa Langa

  1. Noëlle says:

    thanks for the pen pictures and photo’s, brilliant work you’re doing. looking forward to more updates.

  2. Sally says:

    team Kenya, oh my days. You have had a flying start and sound like you are having such fun. Even though it’s a bit sweaty for you, rest assured the weather is rubbish here. Shame about the lack of internet connection but all up and running now, brill. Well done to you all, keep those spirits up and I look forward to reading more blogs. Sally x p.s. who brought their cuddly toy? love it 🙂

  3. Andy Hobbs says:

    hello team, i’m getting tired just reading your blog – full of action and energy, well done! Loving the fact that singing and dancing is also a key focus to the work in schools, the project leader putting her own stamp on things – expecting some good videos of that!

    Well done team, keep the energy up!

    Big high five to you all


  4. Michael & Veronika Reeves says:

    Well done to all of you. It sounds as if you are having a great time and that the HIV messages are getting across really well. Your blue mean machine must be related to our Ugandan brown bear bus!
    Mike and Veronika

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