Day 3 – Flamingo Primary School and East More Girls School

Our first experience of coaching cricket in schools in Nakuru! We went to our first primary school where over 1000 children came running out on the playground aka dusty area. We coached 6 sets of 100 children every half hour with the rest of the school watching and cheering there school mates and us along. It was an incredible experience, the children are fascinated by us and stroke our skin, pull your hair, love high 5’s and hand shakes. We got in to the various stations of batting, bowling, catching, and dancing/chanting – the children love to sing and dance and this went down a real treat. The children are so poor, with torn clothes and some no shoes! But there smiles are something you cannot describe, there smiles light the whole place up! We delivered some great HIV/aids awareness messages to the children who took them on with surprise distinction.

In the afternoon we moved on to an all girls secondary school! They were absolutely full of joy and excitement for us, they were fantastic at cricket and we were able to deliver some excellent coaching sessions for them with the HIV/AIDS awareness messages being the key part. At the end we had all the girls singing and dancing, and chanting, they love to sing and dance and they loved hearing from us what England was like. It was an amazing experience, the joy is infectious! Memories that will last a lifetime of how much enjoyment we had this day and how much we were able to share messages of HIV/aids awareness to these girls, and show them how talented they were in cricket and in whatever they choose to love! 🙂

Tracey D

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One Response to Day 3 – Flamingo Primary School and East More Girls School

  1. Lynn Taylor says:

    Looks like you are doing some great work out there. Cam you disappoint me thought we would have seen you getting down n doing a bit of dancing ha ha !!!!!!!!

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