Mixin’ things up!

My favourite day so far!

I knew it was going to be a good day for me when we pulled up outside a play group school. There were happy little children running around and the most colourful play equipment outside. This was the first time our group had coached with a group of children so young.

The group of children was smaller than what we were used too but no less challenging. We set up 3 different cricket stations and the children were so excited to join in. My favourite part of this session was when Tim got all of the children to do a relay race with a cone on their heads!

After that we travelled to a primary school and the excitement and joy from the children was replicated. It was great to see the children learning the ABCT messages. Some of them had no idea what ABCT was when we arrived and by the time we left they were chanting right back at us.

That is what we call a job well done.

And to complete the theme of variety, our third school was different again; we actually got to play a cricket game with the schools cricket team. We may not have won but the rain didn’t stop play and it was great fun playing alongside the children. Believe it or not our team has some skills but so did our opponents!

The final school we visited was a mixed secondary school and coached a one hour session to around 350 children, most of who were considerably taller than me!

I had two reservations at first; I wasn’t sure whether it would be the best quality coaching session – it was daunting having so many teenagers walking towards you – and the cow corner was also an issue… every time I set up a game I would have several cows walk across and I would have to set up somewhere else!

The game concluded and it was time to get some messaging in there, I stood with the boys chatting about HIV and condom use and a variety of other topics too. They were so engaged in the conversation and they were so keen to learn from me.

They were the first group I could have a bit of light hearted banter with but also I left feeling like I had really made a difference. They started off not knowing how to hold the bat and they left asking me if I could help them set up a cricket team! 

That’s what I call a good day! 


kenya2018 Written by:

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