Day 14 – The Return Leg.

With the coaching, the festival and a great final night in Kigali well behind us it was time for the long journey home.  The team were asked to come up with one word that summed up their time in Rwanda.  The usual clutch of superlatives – amazing, fantastic, awesome, inspiring were trotted out but the one all of us came up with was HUMBLING; despite the relatively recent troubles, a great place with great people.

Never again will we say in UK that we can’t play cricket because of the conditions.  In spite of the challenging conditions, the kids were energetic, enthusiastic, keen to learn the game and take on board the ABC messages.  All of the schools we visited wanted us to go back and leave them kit so that they could continue to include cricket in their school sports programmes.  Especially moving days were the visit to Pefa Orphanage and coaching disability cricket at Gatagara where despite all the hardships thrown at the kids, the ability to participate in sport provided huge enjoyment and a the promise of something new – we trained coaches for both locations so the kids can continue to enjoy the game.

A huge thanks must go to Derek and his team of Rwandan coaches who accompanied us throughout the trip.  Aside from helping with the language barrier, they all proved to be outstanding role models for the kids we coached and happy to engage in banter on the long bus journeys!

On reflection, as a team we think, a job well done.  Just over 1100 kids introduced to cricket, some new talent spotted for the RCA and 23 coaches trained.  The memories and friendships forged will last a lifetime and perhaps, we’ll all return one day, either as part of a CWB project or when Rwanda play their first test match!

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