Day one on African Soil was hot, slow, and extremely long. When we finally landed at Kigali airport at 1.15pm (LT) our expectation of losing a bag was not to come true, after 20 minutes of our own bags arriving meant that we were waiting on the two soft ball bags for our coaching sessions in the morning.
When we finally got them we walked outside to meet the Rwandan Cricket Association (RCA) who took us to our apartments. Which are clean, smart but basic. The first thing we had to do was fight over the bedrooms, one apartment with three and the other with four. As we checked in and signed the paper work the RCA gave us one hour to unpack and get a cold shower before we were to meet up in the other flat to discuss the two week agenda.
Once we got the agenda sorted we were told that we are invited to the RCA party tonight. RCA always welcomes CWB with a meal on the first night of arrival, but this year was going to be a special one as the Rwandan cricket team won T20 African regional Div 3. Everyone was so welcoming to us which helped us all to get into the party mood, after a long day of travelling. The party went into the night with a well deserved presentation for the players and a brilliant BBQ.