Day three long and hot

Day Three started early with the expectation of another long hot day. Today’s plan was to go to two schools and coach over 300 children who had never heard of or seen cricket before.

We arrived at Giporoso School at 9.00am to find an improvement of facilities such as the

help of a grassed area (size of a tennis court). The children seemed to understand our English a little more than yesterday, which helped our coaching techniques.

Coaching in Rwanda starts with what you have and then add a few more and more and more. What you start with is not what you finish with. Except that the smiles on children’s faces tells you something. Whether its hitting or catching success is measured in smiles! At

one point we thought Kevin Pietersen had surreptitiously arrived as two huge sixes disappeared over the school building one sticking in a drain!

After lunch of locally bought fruit and Rowey amusing the ladies in the market as he delved into his shorts to…………….(censored)…….find his cash! Headed for Kagarama High School with the footballers having to move over for cricket for once over 110 children being

coached in a carousel for an hour before the school teams had a chance to develop their skills.

A long dusty day topped off with a visit to the developing Rwanda Cricket Ground and the National Squad Training session.

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