Day Six

Surprisingly Day Six almost went to plan, well almost! After the balmy weather of the day before we were once again greeted by clear skies which put a spring into our step as some of us have been struggling with the early mornings especially the university student in the group!

It felt like Groundhog Day when we arrived at Kicukiro School as we were provided with the dusty, orange pieces of ground that we have become acclimatised to over the last week however this school was covered piles of rubble and dirt which we tried to avoid in our coaching sessions! We then started our sessions with an ever growing crowd of primary school children who were on their break time and for the first time; the school even provided security to keep back the masses so we could coach the chosen few. Adaption is the name of the game as we have discovered and today was no different with the different drills trying to fit into the facilities that we had been given. Today we even experimented with some diamond cricket which caused both confusion and enjoyment in equal measure.

After a break in the middle of the day we went to Enfotec school and were expecting to run a session for beginners which would last an hour and then a second session for the school team straight after but as you may have learnt by now, it not work out like that. We were given both sets of children at the same time on probably the worst ground we have played on, the grass on the pitch did not make up for the amount of holes and bricks on the playing surface. As ever, we blagged the session while using both real cricket balls and the ever reliable tennis balls. The school team did benefit from using hard balls in catching drills and loved the game at the end with the ball ending up over the fence or up the tree!

Tomorrow we are heading off to the University which is a three hour drive so we are leaving at 7.00am. ON A SATURDAY!!!!!! The things that we do for cricket (the students words).

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