Day Five rain DIDN’T stop play

Day Five started better than yesterday until we arrived at GreenHills academy school. As a comparison this was Oxbridge to your run of the mill Comprehensive. We got out of the cramped bus to wait at the gate while one of the guards went to find the sports teacher, to return to say he wasn’t expecting us. When we finally managed to enter the school after a quick bag search (the Presidents sons attend the school) they said we could do the next lesson of an hour.

We started the session on the sports field and within 15 minutes through it decided to rain, and when it rains in Rwanda it RAINS as we found out. We where then moved inside to the new sports hall and told to wait until this lesson finishes. So roughly two hours after arriving, we managed to start coaching. With all the problems that had happened that morning a light seemed to shine when Martin and Graham had been speaking to the headmaster after a trip from the toilet. Who asked us to have dinner with them at the school.

After lunch (spaghetti, veg and meat ball (singular) we continued to coach using the well versed carousel which ensures full participation and quick fire sessions – no room for boredom but we were constantly fighting the Basketball court but feel happy we fought our corner. Added value with the HIV/Aids awareness message throughout the day. By the time we had finished the sun was out. GreenHills were happy that the day gave them what they wanted and all kept dry. Unfortunately due to the rain we were unable to get to Apade school which we will reschedule for next week.

An earlier than normal finish gave time for a relaxing drink and a nose round the next door hotel.

Noticeable that teenagers the world over are no different – attitude, confident, then not and a swagger that belies their youth. All in all GreenHills is a world apart in a Rwanda context.

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