Darryl Woods a CWB First timer and ECB Level 3 coach talks about his first experiences coaching in Africa.

We all turned up on day 3 with Great Expectations as five schools embarked on the Arua primary school playing fields, after supporting the local coaches through several drills including the encouragement with all the very important ABC messages, project leader Lee, whilst almost losing his voice, arranged five stations for competition time. 

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It was great to watch in the bowling competition almost every player bowling with a straight arm. No one could have guessed which school would win with the talent on show, however after a very close encounter Muni Primary School won the afternoon session was split with 6 of our group going off to a new school with no cricket background and what they thought was going to be about 40-60 children soon turned in to 170, Lee keeping us on our toes again!

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How fantastic to get the HIV /aids message across to this amount of new children to CWB. Several local coaches led the sessions today and did brilliantly.

Bring on day 4 Festival pairs cricket on the Field of Dreams!

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