Six o’clock outside Terminal 3 at Heathrow was the meeting place for the 9 volunteers to depart ready for the CWB Autumn 2011 trip to Rwanda. Luckily all the hard-ball kit was delivered by car saving many a back breaking journey through central London and a big thanks to Helen for helping out with this....
Here is a full account of the recent training weekend by 16 year old first time volunteer Cameron Foster. On the 17th and 18th of September 2011 CWB volunteers for the autumn projects headed down to The Deans Leisure Centre, Brighton. Arriving at 9:30am the Saturday morning all new and returning volunteers anticipated the weekend...
A huge thank you to all the people who helped me recreate Andrew Flintoffs ODI career in one day to raise funds for this Septembers CWB trip to Rwanda. Special mention must go to Nick, Leo, BB, Broomy and Casper for their help throughout the day. And thanks again for the in swinging yorkers that...
Twenty five boys and girls aged between 6-11 arrived in glorious sunshine for the first Cricket Without Boundaries Coaching Day held at Thurstonland Cricket Club. The morning was spent in three small groups with skills based activities including batting, bowling and fielding. After lunch the pitch was split into two to accommodate matches based on...
On Friday 19th August 30 young people aged 5 to 12 took part in a ‘Cricket Without Boundaries’ coaching day at Truro CC. The day started with a quick slideshow showing the youngsters from all over Cornwall and their parents some of the work the charity does highlighting the poor facilities in Rwanda and raising...
For this year’s fundraising I will be attempting to recreate Andrew Flintoffs one day international career in one day. This will involve facing 3,821 deliveries (mainly from the bowling machine although I would like junior cricketers to come and bowl for a spell to break the monotony, I will be offering prizes to anyone who...
For 6 – 12 year olds. Friday 19 August 10am – 3pm, Thurstonland Cricket Club The day will include quality coaching from highly qualified coaches and lots of fun and games with prizes to be won! Only 30 places so contact Lee Booth or Gillian Halliday at the club quick! £20 with lunch & refreshments...
For 6 – 12 year olds. Friday 19 August 9.30am – 3.30pm, Truro Cricket Club The day will include quality coaching from highly qualified coaches and lots of fun and games with prizes to be won! Only 30 places so get in quick! £15 with lunch & refreshments provided All proceeds go to Cricket Without...
I hope to get companies (and maybe cricket clubs) to help sponsor various parts of this fantastic project the following sponsorship opportunities are available: T-Shirts Wristbands Coaching kit Hard ball cricket kit Website sponsors It is my intention to try and get some press for the trip and also drive a bit of traffic to...
There are currently 9 confirmed volunteers for this years Autumn project in Rwanda. Four of the team (Lee, Tim, Dave and Jonathan) are previous CWB volunteers having visited Rwanda before. The rest will be making their first trips. Full profiles of each team member will be available shortly. The team Lee Booth – Project Leader...
Sub-Saharan Africa is more heavily affected by HIV and AIDS than any other region of the world. An estimated 22.4 million people are living with HIV in the region – around two thirds of the global total. In 2008 around 1.4 million people died from AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and 1.9 million people became infected...
The Republic of Rwanda, known as the Land of a Thousand Hills, is a landlocked country located in the Great Lakes region of eastern-central Africa, bordered by Uganda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania. Although close to the equator, the country has a cool temperate climate due to its high elevation. The...