A huge thank you to all the people who helped me recreate Andrew Flintoffs ODI career in one day to raise funds for this Septembers CWB trip to Rwanda. Special mention must go to Nick, Leo, BB, Broomy and Casper for their help throughout the day. And thanks again for the in swinging yorkers that left my feet black and blue.

It was also great to see so many Thurstonland CC juniors turn up and bowl for a while to break the monotony. The full stats from the day are as follows:

  • Total Time – 9 hours 42 minutes
  • Balls faced – 3,821, bowled out 18 times
  • 169 wickets in 733 balls
  • 47 catches, dropped 5

I haven’t as yet collected in all the sponsors but I think we should raise around £800, thanks again to everyone who contributed and if anyone else would like to chip in the Just Giving page is still online here – http://www.justgiving.com/leebooth2011

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