With today being a travel day with not much happening first time volunteer Martin passes the time blogging as the human IMDB.
Day 5 sees a near Total Recall as we are On the Bus travelling again, our West Side Story in Arua over, we travelled East along the Yellow Brick Road (if only). We took a short cut and soon found ourselves on a dirt track more suitable to a Moonraker type vehicle. After just over 4 hours with True Grit and determination we eventually found our Final Destination 2. Gulu is quite Alien to what we have already seen but that first beer was as good as Ice Cold In Alex.
Our team leader, Boothy, has been drinking local whiskey tonight from his Goblet Of Fire, tomorrow he will surely be Top Gun. We were welcomed into another school toady where there were many HIV/AIDS messages strategically placed around the grounds and as we signed the visitors book in the Headmistress’ office is was almost a High School Reunion. We hope to see several of their teachers tomorrow for some more coach ed.
1 comment
John Daniels says:
Apr 19, 2013
Love the description of the roads, sounds a bit like Welling High street at the moment. You are doing a great job.
Lauras Dad