Safe in the knowledge that the sit down facilities at Braeburn were in excellent working order, a full plate of sausages and baked beans were today’s modus operandi in the break fast m.. now without getting into too much detail , some of the odours and noises emanating from our 4 berth chalets have been getting progressively worse. So it was only good practice to check out the lavatorial facilities at each venue with the utmost care, just in case there was some urgent business that needed attending to.
Ghazi, ben and Phil worked on stoically as day 2 of the Coach Ed programme got up and running, whilst Ed , Steve , Simon and Stephen gave 35 kids from the excellently named Mary Immaculate School their first sighting of cricket. Group captain Green seemed more than comfortable in his media assignments during the morning as he gave an interview to Kenyan TV as to what we were about. To see the interview, which will be shown on World AIDS day, you can either move to Kenya or tune Sky Receiver to Channel 4276 ( just after the Needlework Channel).
Again these marvellous people from Braeburn laid on a cracking lunch for us, this time a spicy rice dish, with yoghurt and bananas for dessert. I totally love this school.
The team then had another 40 kids to coach in the afternoon from St Christophers School, and to be honest they were very good. One lad, Brian, in particular showed great potential.
The Coach ed boys were now on the assessment part of the 2 day course and all involved showed a great deal of enthusiasm and knowledge as they worked their magic. The coaching points had been learned and it was clear that they had even taken on board some of the piffle I had come up with the previous day. Obviously, TTP was a shoe in for a pass with distinction, and all 26 passed. I have to say that the momentum seemed to be building. you could feel it , and it bodes well for the future of cricket in the Nanyuki area.
One point that I have been remiss in mentioning, is that all of us are now pretty tired and we have had to make our own humour to stop it becoming a treadmill of coach, eat, coach, eat, sleep. For example Bern and Phil spent the 2 days of the Coach Ed course trying to see how many times a lovely young lady named Irene could be called Treacle, or the phrase ” Come on Irene” could be muttered. They awarded extra points if the words were spoken to the tune of the Dexys Midnight Runners 80s classic. Not very grown up, but very funny for the boys.
The day completed, we returned to base just after 4pm. There was time for either a gym session, a swim or just some down time. it was wonderful.
The evening dinners arrangement passed off without much fuss other than to report that the cook in this particular restaurant took only 45 mins to prepare dinner and we all froze our bits off as we ate outside, in the dak, and it went down to about -10. Not ideal as we all had shorts on.
For an explanation of today’s heading, please speak directly to either of the persons involved as discretion forbids anything else to be said in the public domain.