Day 0: Uganda Bound!

So… tomorrow is the day. After last weekend’s excellent Training Days, organised by our very own Uganda Project Leader, Sally, we are, despite one or two glitches along the way, ready and prepared to fly into Entebbe airport. The glitches – including severe back problems to your correspondent now resolved by emergency Chiropractic sessions – are all confined to history as our full team embarks on its journey into the part-unknown – including our Tutor, Steve, who is able to join us we are very pleased to say.

Paul, our poet laureate, has already composed four lines of his first Uganda stanza (yes, we will post it when complete)

Phil has been researching condom size (don’t ask).

Reece, according to Facebook, is modelling an esoteric new design of shirt.

Steve (other Steve) is already planning a post project feedback event for donators and supporters.

John is a Uganda returner so is a very important component of the team.

And Sally is tirelessly covering all the bases.

We’re ready. Uganda, here we come.

Team Uganda14 is:
Sally Johnston, Team Leader
Steve Williams, Tutor.
Paul Rallings, Steve Wells, Phil Silvester John Brown, Reece Brant and Peter Yates.

See Meet the Team in menu on right.


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