Uganda Autumn 2012
Day 3 - Gulu

Day 3 – Gulu

Head tutor James Savory rounds up a fantastic third day in Gulu…. To quote the lyrics of the introduction to my current favourite comedy show “.. it all started with a big bang!!” 5am to be precise that I was awoken by the most terrific clap of thunder I have ever heard. Coming from Cumbria...
Day 2 - Gulu

Day 2 – Gulu

Reflections on day 2 at Gulu by Nadeem Ahmed…. "In France a skinny man died of a big desease with a little name….." sang Prince on his 1987 song Sign of the Times. A quarter of a century later and sadly, In this part of the world, people are either still dying (200 per day)...
Day 1 - Gulu

Day 1 – Gulu

CWB first-time volunteer Mat Danks puts the first day of the maiden voyage into the Northern Ugandan territories into words…. It was renowned American journalist and humourist Franklin P Jones who once observed that the problem with being punctual is that there’s nobody there to appreciate it. And so the first couple of days of...
Next stop Uganda

Next stop Uganda

So fresh from our fantastic training weekend we are all now gearing up to fly out to Entebbe on Saturday Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the weekend, put together expertly by Sally and her CWB colleagues The coaching content both at intro and experienced levels was invigorating and great fun; the guide to HIV / AIDS awareness...
A welcome from the Project Leader

A welcome from the Project Leader

Hello, everyone!! As project leader I thought I would kick-off the blog of the Autumn 2012 CWB Project to Uganda When I had first heard about CWB it was a light bulb moment, ticking all the boxes for me as a slightly disenchanted cricket coach at a small club – doing some good for people...
Uganda Autumn 2012

Uganda Autumn 2012

This September volunteers from CWB will be once again travelling to Northern Uganda to coach and develop cricket with key AIDS awareness messages. You can follow their progress here on this blog.
Cricket Without Boundaries

Cricket Without Boundaries

The Cricket Without Boundaries Trust was established in April 2005 by founder-trustees Andy Hobbs, Chris Kangis and Ed Williams. It is a registered charity in the UK, number 1111316, operating under the name of Cricket Without Boundaries (“CWB”). CWB has three main goals: To spread cricket through coaching children and teaching adults how to coach;...
HIV/AIDS in Africa

HIV/AIDS in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is more heavily affected by HIV and AIDS than any other region of the world. An estimated 22.4 million people are living with HIV in the region – around two thirds of the global total. In 2008 around 1.4 million people died from AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and 1.9 million people became infected...
About Uganda

About Uganda

Uganda is located in East Africa and shares borders with Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The country also shares a border with Africa’s largest lake, Lake Victoria which covers an area of 68,800 square kilometres in all. The country remains a member of the Commonwealth, although it became independent...
Meet the team

Meet the team

  There will be a team of eight volunteers travelling to Uganda. The team is made up from a healthy mixture of new and returning volunteers all of who are keen to get started. We will be travelling to Gulu, Arua and Lira all in the North of Uganda carrying on the work that CWB...