After two days visiting schools in Kimonyi with Vero, our local coach (and former captain of the Rwandan women’s team), Sunday was Festival day. Team Rwanda was dutifully packed up and the bus loaded for 7am, and had made it about 400 yards from the hotel before we were stopped at a Police roadblock, and told it would be there until midday – small problem, as the Kamonyi Festival was due to start at 9 sharp. Unperturbed, our driver Eddie turned round and tried another route, but even his fantastic local knowledge couldn’t find a way out. At the third barrier, we unleashed Yolanda’s persuasive skills on the unsuspecting policeman, and she played a blinder.

We were soon back on track, and were ready to go when the first of our 7 teams arrived. Rapid-fire was the name of the game, on a surface best described as gritty, but that didn’t deter the fielders, who were still sliding in to stop the ball. Some top notch catching was also on show, as well as plenty of big hitting in the secondary school games. Pretty impressive from kids who only discovered cricket this week! Worthy winners of the Primary competition were GS St Jean Bosco Kamonyi, with St Bernadette di Kamonyi taking the secondary prize.

We were delighted to welcome the Kimonyi District Director of Schools, and Director of Sport, whose support was vital to ensure the event went ahead. It’s great that they are keen to work with Vero as she introduces cricket to more schools in the area.

Our work in Kamonyi done, it was off for a well earned lunch before getting back on the road for a couple of hours, to Huye, our base for the final week. Vero’s success this week was toasted, and she showed us she’s no mug either, smoothly tricking Ally into giving up the last Fanta for a bottle of tonic water!
Finally, settled in to our new accommodation in Huye, we started looking forward to our last week in Rwanda, and whatever it has in store for us,

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