Well ladies and gents let me first apologise for the severe lack of blogging here in the south. This is down to a couple of reasons, mostly that the internet service here in the hotel is very slow, plus when I do get a chance to blog Captain Sensible hogs the internet by downloading the morning copy of The Times newspaper. Surprisingly he does the same with the hot water.
So for me this is a return to Huye and the place is great. Its been good to revisit some schools I visited last year. Ikibondo a real joy, a school at which Steve Tegg got the pupils genuinely believing he was Mr Bean. It was also good to revisit the catholic school that last year was full of convicts constructing new buildings. I’m pleased to report that the school is now 2 buildings better off and not a AK47 in sight.
I’m also pleased to report the addition of 2 new schools, their names have abandoned me, but the teachers were fantastic and from all accounts their enthusiasm continued on the Coach Education session. We even managed to meet the owner of one of the schools who kindly invited us for a beer in the evening. The “doctor” was an inspiration and spoke beautifully about how he’d love to see cricket grow in the area.
Until the next bit of decent internet boys and girls.
This is Mac Daddy signing off.