The team unites

So here we are at the end of the first week and team rwanda is finally reunited after Lee and myself have made the journey back south and Katie has arrived from England. Its been a fantastically busy for all involved as we haven’t just passed the 5000 mark, we have smashed it.DSC00995

For Lee and I, our week in the north culminated in a fantastic festival at the Sorwathe football ground. All six schools we had been to provided the standard format of 20 children with a 50/50 split of boys and girls. I can honestly say I was disappointed at the lack of carnage as the rapid fire festival ran pretty smoothly, which is not very African. The teachers in the Kinihira region are a different class, after one round Booth and myself could sit back and relax as the competition flowed. We may however had to step in now and again as the teacher nearly created a full scale riot whilst being ultra competitive about the rules, a few penalty runs soon put a stop to that.DSC01052

The week was wrapped up beautifully as ever by Audi as he went through his repertoire of chants and beats but ultimately delivering the HIV/AIDS message. 120 festival participants and spectators lapped up every word Audi said and as always Audi says it with distinction.

So upon our return to Kigali we were straight into the action at Ndera, my mission to find “Any Game, Any Time” unfortunately he has now outgrown that shirt but he was there. Best of all he got stuck in and helped translate for his group, amazing to think a year ago when I was here that was his first exposure to cricket. It’s moments like that that make CWB all worthwhile.



Mackett signing off until next time.

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