Will the last one to leave please turn out the lights

Well ladies and gents, the Rwandan adventure has come to an end. Today is my last day in Rwanda and I am the last one left after the rest of the team abandoned me on Saturday.

Once again I find myself writing this with a heavy heart as a large part of me doesn’t want to leave this wonderful country. Its been fantastic to catch up with Tall Eric and Audi again this trip and also to meet some new faces such as Mary our 3rd official ambassador and the unofficial patrons of CWB Remy and Jackson. The fact is its the hard work that these guys do for CWB when the UK based teams aren’t around that have made the trip run so smoothly.

teamI must also give a big mention to the team, One Team with One Dream lead supremely by captain Colvin. I must admit I found it all a bit surreal being away in the north for the first few days miles away from the team. Then I looked out at the view over the Sorwathe tea plantation in Kinihira and thought “Nah, sod them”. In all seriousness it was nice to be reunited with the team as it was then I truly felt the project was at full speed.

I will also never forget the once in a lifetime trip to see the gorillas. The hike was tough, the stinging DSC01957nettles were painful but when we got to see these immense creatures all that pain disappeared into sheer ecstasy. Even now it still sends a shiver down my spine to think about how close I actually got to them, there is no way Health & Safety bureaucrats would allow that in the UK.

There are so many other highlights that I could write about but I don’t want to turn this blog into something longer than an ECB dossier on KP. So without any more twoddle

Its goodbye from me, onto Uganda for me.


Mac Daddy

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