Our last full day of coaching consisted of running mini tournaments at Greenhills Academy and at Nyagunga.
After dispatching a small team to Greenhills the rest of us were on the bus this time heading to the Southern Territory.
It felt like no sooner had my head hit the pillow than we were back up again, with a 4am start to make the drive back to the Northern Territories to spend a day trecking the mountains gorillas.
We again had a team at Greenhills first thing in the morning but the fun really started at mid-day when we all met back up together and set off for the Pefa orphanage in Gikondo.
Monday morning saw most of the group return to Greenhills to continue working with their secondary and primary classes.
There was no rest for the wicked on Sunday morning as me, Tim, Ian and Kev along with our three Rwandan coaches set of at 7.30 for the three hour drive to the Northern Territories.
The weekend meant no coaching in schools so with the rest of the team given the job of sourcing some cheap Rwanda FC shirts for the big match in the afternoon, me and Tim set of to the oval to run a coach education course
Easier day for me today as it was my first morning off, this worked out well for me as it had been a late night as we had stayed out for a bit as it was Sally’s last night.
Report coming soon
Report coming soon