We have a crack team in Rwanda this Spring with a range of ages and cricket coaching experience. Find out a little more about the team below…

Ed Lamb – Client Services Director, China Travel Outbound
I watched the film Warriors and stayed to watch the credits I was so touched. I saw CWB’s name and checked out the website. Having decided it was just what I wanted to get involved in I was quickly hooked and this is my fifth trip in 3 years – delivering social development messages through sport gives me a real buzz of excitement and fulfillment.
Fun fact: I’ve played league cricket since the age of 9 (badly and getting worse each year from 18!)

Jean-Sebastien Saleem – Regional Sales Manager, Audley Travel
For my day job I look after a team of specialists that live and breath travel in South East Asia and Japan for a tour operator that organises (in my opinion) the best trips in the world.
I can’t pinpoint the moment I decided to commit to CWB but I know speaking to Sara who coincidentally was one of the trainers during our weekend in Coventry and Ed Lamb who is leading us is Rwanda, I realised how much they loved the charity and how much they have got out of the trips that I decided to sign up.
I really enjoy travelling and meeting new people. Having played cricket at the same club for over 30 years with mixed performances as well as coaching and managing a variety of the younger age groups where I play I felt this was a great opportunity to do something different for a great cause.
Fun fact: despite having a terrible voice I have sung on live TV in front of the Sri Lankan President.

Phil Green – retired University Professor
Having been involved in cricket all my life I want to give back to the game and know a few who have been on a CWB trip who recommended it so it seemed a no-brainer.
Fun fact:I was born in a monastery

Graham White – retired Lawyer
I met the three founders of CWB 11 or so years ago and gradually got involved with the charity over the next few years. Ironic really as I am a hopeless cricketer although I am a keen spectator and enthusiastic supporter so much so that in the absence of any other volunteers I ended up as scorer for my son’s team and now have an enviable collection of coloured pencils. I was enthralled by the story of the founding of CWB and the projects.
Fun fact: I lived in Japan in my childhood and saw Mary Rand win a gold medal in the long jump at the first Tokyo Olympics.

Frankie Allen – Musician/Barman
I’ve wanted to do a CWB trip for a while and I have the time to do it at the moment! I love playing cricket and I’m very happy to be part of this team. I enjoy cycling and music production so I’ve taken on the role of Ministry of Sound for the team.
Fun fact: I can pick up 6 eggs with one hand!

Gabrielle Dunnage – Women and Girls Community Coach, Surrey CCC
I wanted to use my coaching experience to help others in a developing country and to spread positive health and social messages. In particular, gender inequality – I want take make the most of the advantage of being a female coach in what has been a male dominated sport.
Fun fact: I have a dog called Elbie (LBW)

Sachi Manokaran – Cricket Coach, Leicestershire CCC
I coach for my local cricket club & schools as well as kids from the community in North London. I also play myself at weekends and help out our community charity activity which is focused on language skills.
I found out about CWB from Leicestershire County Cricket Club’s Twitter. I talked to Sara at CWB to find out more and I was impressed about the work done in Africa, plus I thought it would be really helpful for me to have a different coaching experience working with different people in a different country.
Fun fact: I have worked on the front line of a war zone.
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