Day 9 – Coach Ed and an all star orphanage.

A very productive morning of coach Ed with 9 male teachers at Ikibondo school all males as they don’t have female sports teachers unfortunately.

3 hour session with an introduction, warm up and then catching, bowling and a batting drill followed by cross and rapid fire competing against the coaches. A lot of fun was had and we got some progressive coaching in as well as the ABC T messages.

Joseph very impressive with coaches and the 40 or so children who joined in after church. He is a very good addition to CWB

Importantly the CWB team continue their unbeaten run!

A very quick trip to a university as they wouldn’t let us in paperwork, shmaperwork. Their loss.

We then spent 2 hours in a lovely orphanage and it was great to see some of the kids putting into practice some of the skills Joseph has been coaching. Watch this space Bettita will be playing at a high level very soon. Bowled most of us and had a cracking cover drive.

Team Rwanda then retreated to the bar for a well earned cold one!

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One Comment

  1. Clare sanderson
    March 6, 2018

    Awesome work team! ?? ???☄️?

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