With a cricket festival and coach education scheduled for tomorrow today was our last planned coaching sessions of the trip. With Tim absent at another suspiciously planned morning meeting (10am) this time with the British High Commission the rest of the team boarded the bus for the 30 minute journey back to the Rwandan Orphans Project.

The itinerary had us scheduled to visit another Kigali school this morning however they cancelled on us so a big thank you must go to the ROP for letting us work with their children again at such short notice. The ROP has made a big impact on all the members of the team and it would be great if we can build more of a relationship with them in the future and ensure that all CWB trips make a visit to them as the work they do is inspiring to all.

After a much needed buffet lunch back at the Karibu hotel the team the split in half as we had two schools to work with in the afternoon session. One half of the group was back at Efotec which again was another session planned by us after being impressed by the commitment of the children there earlier in the week, the children were on holiday, however over 50 of them happily gave up 2 hours of their time for more cricket.

The rest of the team spent 2 hours at the Lycee De Kigali working with their school team, as there was only about 20 in total at the session it was good to do some more intense technical work with them in preparation for the weekend when they have two matches. Along with Kagarama this is easily the most talented group of children we have worked with and one lad, Eric who is only 15 was so good we have passed on his details to the RCA as he seems a genuine prospect.

It is now fingers crossed time for the festival and coach ed that is planned for tomorrow, it would be real shame for the team if either of these failed to happen as everyone has worked hard on this trip and it would be great to finish with a bang and lot’s of children enjoying cricket on the Kicukiro Oval.

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