Having been assigned a full day off by the Rwandan Cricket Association we decided to contact the orphanage at Pefa to see if we could at least get some coaching done. They were very accommodating as usual and allowed us in with no problem at very short notice.
A great 2 hour session took place in the morning and as ever the children were fantastic fun and it is a humling and rewarding experience to work with children who have so little but still are full of fun and energy. It is the third CWB trip in a row to visit the orphanage a trend I hope conitnues.
In the afternoon we travelled East to the picturesque Lake Muhazi, this area was on the itinerary for a coaching visit but as with Butare the college is currently on holiday so we decided to explore the area ourselves. The countryside flattens out in the East but is no less beautiful and the lake itself was a picture. A few of the more harder took the opportunity for a swim while the rest of us lounged under the trees.
Our frolicking was finished just in time as a massive rainstorm hit the area just as we were lunching under cover. This was a sight in itself as the a rain was so intense that it was difficult to continue a conversation the noise of the rain being so loud.
It was then back to the apartments where half the team called it a night and a few nipped next door for a pizza, we are nursing a few poorly stomachs and other illnesses so hopefully the early night will see us back fighting fit as a team for the serious business of coaching back in schools from tomorrow.
1 comment
Sal says:
Oct 3, 2011
Awesome day guys! Anyway, I have something quite urgent but oh so funny news. A man with a very strong African accent has called me twice saying that he has found a mobile phone under a chair, not sure where (might be in Heaven). I couldn’t understand him very well at all unfortunately but I do know it’s Dave’s phone as it was his number that came up. I have tried to ask him if he could drop it into the British High Commission and leave in the name of Dave Terrace for one of you to pick up which I think he understood and will do but I have my doubts not because of his honesty but because it was hard to make myself understood. If you are able to get someone who may be able to undertand him to call Dave’s mobile before the battery runs out, that might be a plan! Let me know if you manage to collect it! Still laughing…….