More supporters than county cricket!

I have been astonished at the sudden arrival of children surrounding our minibus as we arrive at their school, risking everything to be able to tap the bus and run with it until we reach the venue, before the engine is turned off we are swamped by hundreds of children.

We have all now got our roles for setting up, Mark takes the swarm of children away to entertain them with a bat and a ball while we can set up the 4 stations, batting, bowling, fielding and HIV messaging.

Before we manage to start the sessions more children turn up to watch in amazement at what’s happening. Often the call of “me tennis” can be heard by all. But regrettably every call is declined, as the tennis balls we have are required for future coaching.

It seems lessons stop when we arrive, so we often have 400 plus children to coach with the same again watching and cheering all the while.

Local children who are unable to attend school (often parents are unable to pay for the uniform) turn up at many of the fields we use, and are so excited to take part in the activities most of all retrieving the balls from the batting game, it’s a race to collect the ball and throw it back.

The departure is a planned routine just like the arrival, Mark entertains while we pack up and get in the bus ready to leave, he then says his goodbyes and joins us, the children still keen to out run us as we drive over the rocky track.

We are only half way through week 1, with a festival planned tomorrow, many more cherished moments are sure to come.

rwanda18 Written by:

One Comment

  1. Ali McCreedy
    October 26, 2018

    Great work, guys – keep going!

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