Day 4 By Vards
Well another day and another early start. 7:30 am meet for breakfast and after 3 days of trying I eventually managed to get the omelette that the 3 mornings previous I had asked for and ended up with scrambled eggs
Onto the bus for 9 am with I think I can safely say everybody hoping that the announced 10 minute journey not turning out to be the 1 hour 20 minute journey that yesterdays estimated 10 minute journey turned out to be.
We promptly turned up at the Kibuye mixed primary school. We were promptly directed to their playing field which we were advised on several occasions they were hoping to develop into the local cricket ground and were hoping for funding to carry this out ( hint hint )
We were soon greeted by 220 kids that were extremely excited to see these strange people that had come from England to teach them this game that they had never played before. The coaching teams of myself & Allison on catching, Daniel & Ollie on Fielding, Nickolas & Clive on bowling and last but not least John & Colette on Batting.
2 hours of organised chaos followed with large groups of children being shown the basics of cricket along with the ABC message being delivered at every opportunity.
Finally a exhausted team made our way back to the bus, but not without Colette leading a group of about 50 young children around the field while dancing and singing.
Thinking we would make a swift get away was only a dream as all the group spent another half hour playing catch, singing and dancing.
On the way to our next school it was decided that we would stop at a local market to acquire some locally made gifts for the teams loved ones at home. I think it was a clue to how the following 30 minutes would be as the local traders behind pointing towards our team leader ( Fergs ) while laughing and shouting he’s back again.
The bus was soon loaded with bags and bags of local produced gifts ( known as tat ) and we were off with a touch of off road driving by the ever reliable Charles on to Aga Khan mixed Junior school for the next stage of a another exhausting ,but massively enjoyable day.
With Fergs slowly losing his voice ( who said thank god ) Allison took over the introductions and myself leading the warm-up. Allison who hit the ground with her own version of the introduction was by far a adequate replacement for the now quiet Fergs and with a few assisting pointers I managed to get through my first warm up with the vast amount excited kids.
The two groups of around 200 each were finally expertly coached through there cricket and ABC training and along with a group of 50 spectators that were entertained by the recovering Fergs the exhausted group boarded the fun bus for a trip to the local Hovic street kids orphanage.
After the first visit to an orphanage a couple of days previously the team were now armed with gifts of pens, note pads, clothes and a packet of balloons. The Hovic Orphanage that takes local kids of the street and gives them one opportunity to have a place to stay as long as they stick to the rules and do not leave.
The team arrived with the boys in class and soon joined in the lesson which soon moved to the outside for some games of catch and some conversations as to how they ended up where they are today. The introduction of the packet of balloons on started 5 minutes of mayhem.
Before the team departed the team struck deals with boys to make some bespoke wrist bands and after some negotiation from gellers he managed to strike the deal of the day by gaining a bracelet for 200 shillings when the lad only wanted 150.
after a well-earned shower and tusker the team departed for a pleasant evening meal at the local Simba Club and a debrief of the day’s events and a look forward to another unknown day of adventure to follow.
Hey team Kenya
I’m back from Uganda and just catching up with your blog. It sounds like you are having a jam packed time and doing so well; fantastic efforts by all. keep safe & love to all, especially Carl xxx
Allison “The Olds” are looking forward to out “tat”. We assume the red face is because of the sunshine!!! Great work all of you .x