Well after a 4pm meet at Heathrow, the exercise of getting all the bags of equipment and personal belongings onto the plane was pretty painless. If you were to ask Fergs he would say that it was down to the twinkle in his eye, but the truth was the fact that they appreciated what we were about to spend the next 2 weeks trying to achieve.
After a pre-flight meal along with a couple of cold beverages to assist with the sleeping on the flight we were soon boarded and ready for the eight and a half hour flight.
The flight was very pleasant with only the lack of leg room for the larger person resulting in the lack of sleep but come 7 am local time we were on our way to domestic departures for a short flight to Kisumu.
11:20 and we arrived in Kisumu with surprisingly no dramas. Even more surprisingly all of our luggage had also turned up.
We were thankfully greeted by Dereck the local teacher that assists with CWB in Kisumu and our driver for the next two weeks Charles. They were eagerly assisted by two of Dereck’s young cricketers that helped load the team bus with all the bags of cricket equipment.
A short journey was followed by a quick visit to Dereck’s school to meet some of the local children that we will be coaching over the next few days.
Finally the Hotel. Home for the next four nights. No 5 star establishment but by the look of some other hotels it was by far the pick of the bunch.
A few of Team Kenya ventured for a short walk around the local area guided by the ever knowledgeable Gellers. It was by far an eye opening welcome to Kisumu with a political festival in full flow in the local park with a local tribe providing the entertainment with a traditional dance.
It wasn’t long before we became the focus of all the local people which I personally have never experienced before and to start with found slightly uncomfortable. We slowly sloped off after a few photos with the tribe.
Well the day was finished in true CWB style discussing the previous day’s events and the plan for the following day over a few tuskers watching the memorable sunset from the Duke of the Breeze roof top bar.
Well if this is a template for the weeks to come then this is going to be some experience
Bring on tomorrow
Have a great time all. Sunset looks amazing!! Keep the pics coming 🙂