Ed Alexander

Ed Alexander

I’m 25 years old and currently work for M.C.C. at Lord’s where I’ve seen first-hand many different sides to the development and maintenance of cricket round the world.  This Cricket Without Boundaries project has given me the opportunity to explore the development of the game in another way and to use cricket’s power of engagement and inspiration to help promote HIV/AIDS prevention methods among communities throughout Kenya.  Moving to Melbourne in the New Year, I’m hoping to work on the development of the game in Asia and the pacific region.

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Ghazi Zaki

Ghazi Zaki
ECB Tutor, Assessor, Field Based Trainer and Internal Verifier
EBC Level 3 Coach 
Regional Representative for Staffordshire Coaches Association
Hon Chairman & Secretary and player at Penn Cricket Club where I have been a member for nearly 30 years – now play 3rd team cricket, or at least turn up for them on a Saturday.
I have been coaching for 16 years where I coach at my club and also get involved with coaching on the Player Development sessions for the County to develop gifted and talented youngsters.
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Phil Cramp

Phil Cramp

After 25 years working in the city, my company gave me a year off for good behaviour and what a year its been. My passion is cricket...coaching and watching only these days as my playing days seem a lifetime ago. In fact, if I hadn't been a taxi driver for my 2 cricket playing
sons, I may have continued to play a little longer, but the joy of seeing your sons play is something not to  miss. I am really excited about CWB and our Kenyan trip. It will be a great experience and one which I am sure will hold memories for us all

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Steve Adshead

Steve Adshead
Having been fortunate enough to play professional cricket for 12 years at various counties but predominately Gloucestershire, I saw this trip as an amazing opportunity to put something back in to the game that has given me so much. Cricket has allowed me to travel the world, playing and coaching in NZ, Oz and India but I particularly liked South Africa, visiting seven times to date and even marrying a local. I have never been to Kenya however and so am really excited about the adventure of experiencing a new country.
Presently turning out for Herefordshire in minor counties competitions and working as a self employed coach back at my home team, Astwood Bank in Worcestershire, coaching both the senior and junior sections of the club. Life as a professional sportsman has come to an end though and its time to get one of those job things I have heard people talk about, so at the end of this trip will be starting the 9-5 shift, working in tactical sales.
I have raised money for the project through my many generous friends in and out of the cricketing world and through sponsorship for the Birmingham Half Marathon.

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Steve Adshead

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Kenya Team – Brighton training Weekend

6 of Team Kenya at Brighton Training Weekend (Steve Adshead is missing)

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Training Weekend – Brighton

Day 1

The training weekend in Brighton was the first time that the ‘Kenyan team’ had met and it was great to put a face to an email address! There were also two other CWB teams at the training and they were due to depart to Rwanda and Botswana – queue some well mannered rivalry!!

You will note that this write up has a familiar feel to it, and it should do as I have pinched the Rwanda’s write up as I am pressed for time and it was expertly written(thanks and sorry Lee!).

So the programme for the weekend was as follows:


10.00 – 11.00:Introduction from Andy and Chris 2 trustees of Cricket Without Boundaries

11.00 – 12.00: An example warm up of a cricket drill and a game of indoor cricket incorporating AIDS/HIV messages. It’s interesting how a bit of competition encourages team building!!

12.00 – 1.00:
A heartfelt HIV/AIDS presentation from Veronika who volunteered with CWB last year in Botswana. We learnt many things, some of which can be seen below.

  • The difference between HIV and Aids and how HIV is transmitted.
  • High risk groups.
  • Natural progression and the risk of HIV transmission.
  • HIV prevalence worldwide
    • In 2008 33.4 million people are infected
    • The 19 most prevalent countries are all in Africa, 60% of all people infected globally are in Africa.
    • In the worst countries in Africa this can rise to as high as 25%
  • 2008 prevalence in Kenya was  – 7.1 – 8.3% – although the accuracy of this figure was questioned
    • Anti HIV medications
    • Only 30% of people who need ARV drugs receive them, 70% do not.
  • Effect of HIV/AIDS e.g. the life expectancy in some African countries can be as low as 39 years old.
  • Ways to reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS
  • CWB messages
    • A – Abstain
    • B – Be faithful
    • C – Wear a condom
    • Testing
    • Treatment
  • Why volunteering is important
  • How can cricket help?

We were then sent back into the sports hall and each countries teams were asked to develop and then demonstrate a coaching drill incorporating HIV/AIDS awareness messages.

1.00 – 2.00:

2.00 – 4.00:
Outside (definitely colder than Africa) for a sample session run by Andy then again into country groups to each run a session on a different batting stroke. I found this extremely helpful and enjoyed the impressive session held by Ghazi whereby every other word was connected to the CWB message!

4.00 – 4.45:
Country specific logistics, answering all question/concerns that the group had.

4.45 – 5.00:
Back into the hall for a quick game of urban cricket – the less we talk about this the better!

Day two

Started at 9.30, After a fiercely contested 10 minutes of a handball style game  any cobwebs were swept away and the rest of the morning was spent in country groups working on more coaching sessions that would incorporate the HIV/AIDS messages.

After lunch it was back into the gym where each team was asked to demonstrate their two best drills to the rest of the teams – an impressive display by the Kenyan team even if i say so myself!

It was then that a Land Rover turned up stuffed to the gills with donated hard ball cricket equipment that was then split up to be distributed into the different countries.

The rest of the afternoon was spent again in country team’s distributing the kit/t-shirts to be taken as luggage and finalising details such as airport meet times etc.

We then had a short ‘team’ presentation from CWB’s Andrew (or Adam!) who answered many questions thrown at him. This concluded a fun and very informative weekend that left us all feeling much more confident about our trip. We were all ready and raring to go but we still had a little over three weeks to wait.

A huge thank you must go to the CWB team for organising the weekend and especially Andy who was around the whole time.

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Cricket Without Boundaries

The Cricket Without Boundaries Trust was established in April 2005 by founder-trustees Andy Hobbs, Chris Kangis and Ed Williams. It is a registered charity in the UK, number 1111316, operating under the name of Cricket Without Boundaries (“CWB”).

CWB has three main goals:

  • To spread cricket through coaching children and teaching adults how to coach; and
  • To link the sport to HIV/AIDS awareness and incorporate these messages into coaching sessions.
  • To bring together and empower local communities through cricket.

Working in partnership with the Cricket Associations in each country, the relevant British High Commissions and the ICC, we follow a simple, 3 stage, sports development structure to try to ensure some form of sustained development of the game: 1) coach education; 2) Schools coaching, and 3) Tournament.

Our coach education takes the form of teaching the adults the basics of cricket through the ICC’s Introduction to Cricket course (which includes coaching, umpiring and scoring) as well as for moredeveloped coaches delivering the ICC’s level 1 and 2 awards. We try to link our coaching in with each National Cricket Association’s existing development plans.

For more information on the charity visit the website – www.cricketwithoutboundaries.com

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