2 of these facts are almost true. The other is totally true:
- There are 4.6 cars per square meter in Nairobi
- There are 3.6 pot holes per square meter in Nairobi
- Dr Aggrey School has an annual grant from the Education Dept of KSH 87,000. It has 350 pupils, so a grant of KSH 250 per head, which is GBP1.91.
Unfortunately number 3 is correct, although the other 2 are not far off! Which leads us to ask why there are so many speed humps in Nairobi. Maybe the money could be more wisely spent on education than bumps.
Anyhow, we looked forward to another 3 session day and started off at the Dr Aggrey Primary School where we were greeted (literally) by the whole school on the field and took quite some for the teacher to gain control and get the kids he wanted us to coach into the separate area of said field. He accomplished this by waving a huge stick and running around like a mad man. But it worked. The session went well with 32 kids coached and we left feeling like we had done a fine job.
On the way back to the hotel where we hoped to get 20 mins sit down, Francis from Cricket Kenya spotted a mini mart in a petrol station where we all adhered strictly to the new ICC nutrition guidelines for coaches and officials! Phil even had cheese and onion crisps to go with his kit kat as they contained vegetables (onions) and protein (cheese).
We left for the Pumwani Priamry School where we were met by Washington, the new teacher responsible for sport in this school. He was really keen though and certainly made the kids listen and pay attention. The session was great to be honest, definitely one of the better ones, with 50 boys and girls taking part.
After presenting Francis with a coaches tee shirt we headed off to the slum area again. Francis informed us he would not be staying with us and asked our driver, Two Teeth Pete, to take him to hospital as he believed he had malaria. He didn’t make as much of a fuss about it as Cheryl Cole did to be honest, but then again he is nowhere near as attractive.
Unfortunately, on the way back from dropping Francis off in hospital Two Teeth Pete (TTP) got lost. AFter completing a session with these kids, which it has to be said went much better than yesterdays, we were stood, only slightly sticking out like sore thumbs, frantically calling TTP to find out where the bloody hell he was. Much to our unbridled joy he turned up, albeit 15 minutes late. He then proceeded to get stuck in the worst traffic, in the worst area, with the worst driving any of had ever seen. We were stuck in the Somalian quarter of the slum outside the Mogadishu cafe! It was beyond words. The 7km to our hotel took nearly and hour and a half. It really wasnt the best end to what had been a really good day.