Day 3 – second year for CWB in Karura Forest

Following breakfast which still must be eggs with something we were due to coach at Karura Forest primary school.

We started with our normal interesting journey – this time we had to roll down the hill in the mini bus to get a ‘bump’ start. Today the driver thought he had a formula ! car mixed with 4 wheel drive, however it was still an old mini bus! We were very pleased to arrive at the school in 1 piece.

We had been told to expect 20 – 40 children and when we stood waiting them to appear they just kept coming, and coming. We ended up with 72 between the 6 Coaches (Simon was feeling under the weather and missed the morning).Bumpy roads and African driving = Steve Adshead mini bus sickness (both ways) including a local nearly having his shoes splattered.

We followed the set scenario of Stephen carrying out the introduction and then a warm up – this time carried out by Ghazi. This was a wonder to behold with 72 kids all moving at the same time and balls going all over the place – great fun that is shown in the photos.

We then went in to the 4 technical sessions:

Bowling with Ghazi, Batting with Steve, Fielding with Ed and Phil, and also a secondary fielding session by Ben. Stephen floated around the groups and ensured we kept to time.

We then had non stop cricket taking place for the last 30 mins with 4 games at once. We had some stunning catches by both boys and girls and generally we were very impressed by the quality and enthusiasm from the kids. 2 had actually been selected to play for Kenya U15’s against Uganda.

The journey back was entertaining as usual and at one point the mini bus became a roundabout itself with cars passing all sides! The afternoon was free as the school we were due in could not accommodate us.

Most rested, however Ben and Ed continued their coaching by helping the security guard understand how to bowl, They also managed to create a crazy golf course using Kwik Cricket equipment and the gutter!!

Thanks again,

Stephen, Ben, Ed and Ghazi

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