Steve Adshead

Steve Adshead
Having been fortunate enough to play professional cricket for 12 years at various counties but predominately Gloucestershire, I saw this trip as an amazing opportunity to put something back in to the game that has given me so much. Cricket has allowed me to travel the world, playing and coaching in NZ, Oz and India but I particularly liked South Africa, visiting seven times to date and even marrying a local. I have never been to Kenya however and so am really excited about the adventure of experiencing a new country.
Presently turning out for Herefordshire in minor counties competitions and working as a self employed coach back at my home team, Astwood Bank in Worcestershire, coaching both the senior and junior sections of the club. Life as a professional sportsman has come to an end though and its time to get one of those job things I have heard people talk about, so at the end of this trip will be starting the 9-5 shift, working in tactical sales.
I have raised money for the project through my many generous friends in and out of the cricketing world and through sponsorship for the Birmingham Half Marathon.

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