Visit to Baraka-an amazing place……..

Saturday 22 Feb. 14


This morning saw a visit to Baraka Childrens home an orphanage just outside Thika prior to our departure for Nakuru. This home is where Elizabeth volunteers her time, teaching karate to the children amongst other things.


We were met by a group of very excited and vocal children who performed songs and dances for us and also said prayers. The children were amazing and so happy. Baraka is very well organised indeed. Built from brick, with solid metal doors, the children are very well cared for and the home smacks of complete professionalism. It was difficult not to shed a tear when the children were singing, and in the usual way the team rapidly developed bonds with them, carrying them around and showing them some affection.


We went to the play area and played some cricket in the customary way, bringing much fun to the children. During this time we caught the attention of about 50 street kids, and they soon joined in, gathering wrist bands along the way and learning about CWB.


We left a box of cricket equipment, flags, clothes, blankets and miscellaneous other equipment for the orphans to play with,


A presentation about the home concluded our visit and the children sang songs to wish us on our way-very touching and hard to leave them behind……..They also individually presented to us (even the very youngest who strode to the front and stood with a smile),  providing songs and readings as a lasting memory of our visit.


They are desperately trying to establish a library and we have vowed to send some books to support this.



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