Day 12- This is Africa My Friend
Todays blog composed by John ‘Buzz’ Macca From our base in Jinja we travelled an hour to Iganga. Not sure if that was an attempt to deprive us of an hour ‘s precious sleep or the nearest suitable accomodation. On arrival we were directed to the now all familiar dust bowl, which as we found...
Day 11- Source of the NILE, Paradise on the NILE, NILE beer, any pattern developing?
Blog written by Alan (typed up by Michael) A relaxing day initially entailing a 2 1/2 hour drive from Mbale to Jinja for our final challenge. A gloriously straight (and flat) road through open country interspersed with dozens of small towns spreading out from either side of the bus, needing to slow to negotiate “sleeping...
Jamie’s Final Thoughts
Having left Mbale at 9am on Thursday morning and not arriving in Edinburgh until 12.30pm on Friday I’ve had plenty of time to reflect on my short time in Uganda. I think what I’m feeling must be what parents feel when their children no longer need them and its time to let them explore the...
Day 10- Mbale Crossroads?
Day 10 in the big brother house and today was the culmination of 3 days coach education and schools coaching in Mbale. Mbale differs to Tororo where cricket isn’t as established within the schools and no men’s set up in the city. Despite this the teachers made a fantastic effort, with many of their schools...
Day 9- Top cricket, Top Radio 104.9 fm
With the Municipal Stadium finally to ourselves, we undertook the task of coaching another 350 kids- oh yes- and has anyone mentioned it is over 30 degrees here on a daily basis. Our skin colour and hairs on our arms and legs continue to be a source of amusement to the kids and the adults....

Day 8- Mix up in Mbale
After enjoying a final meal as a complete team last night the early morning goodbyes left the bus feeling a little bit more spacious. Upon arriving at the Mbale Municipal Stadium the signs were evident early on that this day was going to be interesting, not only were there some footballers warming up on the...
Early Goodbyes
After only spending one week on the trip Holly and Jamie had to leave the rest behind rather reluctantly, here is Holly’s take on the week she spent out in Uganda. My week in Uganda has come to an end far too soon as I have absolutely loved this country. The coaches in Tororo were...
Day 7: Some cricket has boundaries!
Halfway through the trip and another new school to work with. We arrived at North Road Primary School in Mbale, one of the largest schools in Uganda, at 9am ready to start coach education for the new teachers. Unfortunately we were victims of ‘Ugandan time’ and no teachers were there to get started. This gave...
Day 6- Festival funtimes and the first goodbye
Today was our last day in Tororo at Rock View School and what better way to end it than with a Cricket Festival for all the children coached over the last 3 days. On arrival at school we were informed that 12 schools would be taking part in the festival and some schools were already...
Day 5- “The Rock”
Day Five comes from first time volunteer John, known as Macca or his new nickname Buzz? Another day at Rock View School, an 8:30am start, unfortunately no driver for the bus, a 10 minute delay, before our driver, Tony came running up the Hotel drive. The teachers had been asked to bring there...
Day 4- More newly qualified coaches
Day fours blog comes from team tutor Alan on his thoughts on the first two coach education days delivered in Tororo. Today was another hot day in Uganda in which the aim was to allow the trainee coaches to use the knowledge acquired of the cricketing skills acquired through yesterday’s coach education day into practical...
Day 3- Getting into the swing of things
Today was the first day of coach education and after a short journey from our hotel and a few stops for directions, we arrived at Rockview Primary school. There was a fantastic turn out of teachers, both male and female, keen to learn some cricket. Jamie kicked things off with a classic high 5 warm...
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