Anyone for Donkey?

Today’s blog is brought to you by Richard

Having enjoyed an excellent meal at the Cafe D’Yaounde, The team again arose early for the trip to Obala, around an hours drive from Yaounde. Fortified by a feast of supermarket delights, the journey took us out of the city for the first time and into some densely wooded areas before arriving at LycĂ©e D’Obala by around 9.30am.

L1040729Upon arrival we were met by around 200 children ranging from 10 to 18 years of age. With plenty of space to work with the team split the group into six stations, comprising the various cricketing disciplines and for the next two hours cycle the children through each of these in cloudy yet humid conditions.

All were agreed that this morning’s session represented new challenges in terms of cultural and language barriers and we were grateful for the participation of the local sports teachers, who were able to provide translation where necessary, particularly with the younger children.

On completion of the session we decided to travel into Obala, where we enjoyed a lunch of barbecued local meat (rumoured to be donkey but who knows) and soft drinks.

By early afternoon the sun had returned to Obala and we completed a further session at the school which was attended by around 65 students. As they had already finished school and we had given them some of the necessary skills, we decided to split this group into four games of Quickfire Cricket for a further hour before departL1040707ing at 3pm for the journey back to Yaounde.

The team then split with Lee, our glorious Project Leader taking a further session with the national side at Yaounde University. The remainder of the team returned to Wisdom School for an hour of games.

Another long and at times challenging day but the team now seems to be in ‘full swing’ with all of the volunteers having now coach to each of the disciplines.

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