Cricket Without Boundaries

CWB-logoCricket Without Boundaries was established in April 2005 by founder-trustees Andy Hobbs, Chris Kangis and Ed Williams. It is a registered charity in the UK, number 1154576, operating under the name of Cricket Without Boundaries (“CWB”).

CWB has three main goals:

  • To spread cricket through coaching children and teaching adults how to coach; and
  • To link the sport to HIV/AIDS awareness and incorporate these messages into coaching sessions.
  • To bring together and empower local communities through cricket.

Working in partnership with the Cricket Associations in each country, the relevant British High Commissions and the ICC, we follow a simple, 3 stage, sports development structure to try to ensure some form of sustained development of the game: 1) coach education; 2) Schools coaching, and 3) Tournament.

Our coach education takes the form of teaching the adults the basics of cricket through the ICC’s Introduction to Cricket course (which includes coaching, umpiring and scoring) as well as for moredeveloped coaches delivering the ICC’s level 1 and 2 awards. We try to link our coaching in with each National Cricket Association’s existing development plans.

For more information on the charity visit the website –

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