Monday in Bamenda!

The sun was shining and we were up bright and early for our first full day in Bamenda. This morning consisted of a lot of organising and making contacts with local schools and orphanages. Carl went off on a motorbike taxi to hand letters out to schools regarding coach education on Tuesday, whilst the rest of us went to an orphanage to organise a time we could go in and see the children. The morning proved very successful, with positive responses from a lot of schools regarding our work, as well as the orphanage we went to being really keen to have us go in!

We then went back to the hotel for a couple of hours, in which time Sam and Rob managed a highly competitive game of cricket on the tennis courts (which I, Sam won by 1 wicket, just saying.) After this off we went to PSS Mankon for an after school cricket session. However just as we got there, despite the sun being out all day, the clouds came over and it starting spitting, before turning to light rain, heavy rain and then ending up in a massive Cameroon style storm which flooded the field. The rain kept coming for an hour or so, and after a couple of rain dances, it finally stopped.

We thought we may have had to wait a whole for it to dry, but here we saw the benefits of the sandy surface as the whole field drained in less than 15 minutes meaning we could get going with our session. 100 or so children gradually appeared ad we got going with a really good session of learning different techniques an culminating in Kwick Cricket games at the end. It was great to be able to work with this many children and see smiles on their faces, especially seen as an hour before it had looked unlikely that we would be able to play any cricket!

This evening saw us have a couple of drinks all together, before having an evening meal at the hotel including Irish potatoes, chicken and English cake. A successful day all, and an early night before an early start in the morning..

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