5 Go Back To School

Day 5 of our trip dawned hot and sticky (little were we to know what was to follow!) Our driver Eric picked us up again nice and early at 7.30 for another interesting trip across Yaounde to Wisdom our first school of the day. After arriving at the school at the end of a rather bumpy track we were met by the master of discipline and were told that we would have about 30 children due to there being  exams on that day. This number ended up being 63 by the time we got going on a somewhat small playing area. We ended up having 3 stations and soon had the children chanting their ABCs and Awooga made all the easier as some of the children had had coaching before.

Thursday - Yaounde (8)-1

Thursday - Yaounde (16)-1

Soon it was onto the next school (Mevick) where we had been on our first day. After a slight delay due to some scheduling issues we had another decent group to put through their paces and soon everyone could hear the familiar chants. We broke for lunch at 11.30 upon which the heavens opened and it rained and rained and rained. We decided after watching the rain hammer down for about an hour to run an alternative session for the Mevick afternoon groups in the classroom where Carl and Thom talked to an excited class about the background to the ABCs which culminated in some very enthusiastic singing! As it was still raining we decided to make our own entertainment which resulted in Professor Manning teaching a geography lesson with the aid of some artistic diagrams on the board which I followed up with by trying to explain where Exeter was and confusing all the students! Carl and Sam visited a maths class and soon reappeared with puzzled looks on their faces. Finally we resorted to hitting tennis balls in the air which caused pandemonium for an hour or so.

Thursday - Yaounde (28)-1

Thursday - Yaounde (36)-1

We then proceeded to an orphanage on the way home and were treated to some lovely singing by the children upon which we provided some treats.

Thursday - Yaounde (42)-1

Sadly the weather was still very British at this point so we returned to the hotel looking like mud dwellers. We opted for dinner and beers in the hotel and when asked what vegetables he would like Mr Manning replied “frites” and when the question was repeated the response was “more frites”. Dinner was followed by a final beer to end a fun but eventful day! Top day chaps!

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