What will you take away from your two weeks in Botswana

The team reflects on our two weeks in Botswana.


Hannah W


A new found love of cricket, the giggles of the children,  the feeling of really making a change when children chant their ABCs and teachers test their status. What an incredible experience made much better with our great team and the warmth of Botswana.

Jo D

A love and respect for the people here, their joy,  laughter and enthusiasm for new experiences. Personally, finding the confidence to stand up in front of hundreds of children and realising that with a smile, and a bit of fun you can change someone’s day has been uplifting. Oh and I’ll be taking a lot of sand in my shoes!

Andy C


I didn’t really know what to expect when we landed here 14 days ago but what I found was a real warmth across both Francistown and Maun.
What has been a real eye opener for me is the vast difference of sanitation and basic food available in the primary schools. We really are incredibly lucky to have these sorts of things available in the UK.
I really feel we have made a mark in Botswana engaging with over 3,000 children and leaving a legacy of AIDs awareness and prevention.

Andy B

No matter how hot,  how tricky the kids are, how much ‘off plan’ the session goes, how much space we have, how many children arrive –  if we get the message through to one child it’s worth it.

Ant N


Awesome, hot and heartbreaking.  Amazing journey and life changing.

Clement C

Great two weeks of coaching and contact with many enthusiastic coaches and children and a great way of using cricket to reach out to communities with HIV/AIDs messages.

Brian M


The ability and confidence to work as a team and take my coaching to the next level.

Ben L

The warmth and friendliness of the people, the smiles of the children, our great team.


Greg M

An even greater love for Botswana and for the fantastic team we have grown into over the past 2 weeks. Shame it hasn’t been longer.

Lee B


A real pride in all that our team achieved despite the toughest heat I have ever coached in.

Anticipation to hear about how all the new coaches we have trained will start to use cricket to engage their students in discussions about HIV.

Most of all the laughter of over 3,000 children who threw themselves into playing this strange new game with these strange new people.

One Comment

  1. Carl
    October 16, 2016

    Team! You are legends one & all. Have enjoyed reading your blogs immensely and I am hugely proud of all you have achieved. CWB is indebted to your commitment & enthusiasm and I look forward to speaking with some of you shortly.

    Congratulations on completing a fantastic project.

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