Tuesdays dawn over Francistown greeted the team with the unusual sight of grey skies and light drizzle. The team split into three for the morning. Greg and Mark headed back to the Francistown oval to continue day two of their coach education session whilst Sam went out and about developing potential community out reach links for CWB. This left the awesome foursome of Liam, Rachel, Ross and Dimpho to return to the SOS children’s village to deliver a full CWB session after Sundays fun introductory session.
On arrival at the village, the grey skies lifted and the sun came out and the mood of the awesome foursome was lifted. We introduced ourselves to Helen the amazing lady who runs the villages and she duly rounded up the children to come and enjoy a full on CWB session. With the older and younger children split into two groups, bowling and catching stations were set up and a very lively session occurred. Within minutes the air was full of ABC changing and merriment. The monitoring and evaluation questionnaires very effectively carried out by Liam and Rachel showed a very encouraging high level of HIV/Aids awareness and a fantastic game of rapid fire ended the session. The highlight of the game being the way in which the older children looked after and nurtured the younger children through the game. With all the children proudly displaying this CWB wristbands, the awesome foursomes headed to the oval for a well earned lunch.
Following our lunch break at the Francistown Oval the team split into two with Ross, Mark and Rachael heading for Maradu Primary School. The CWB coaches were joined by three of the new training coaches who all did a fantastic job of leading the different skill stations of batting, bowling and catching. The CWB coaches were impressed at how confident they were in their delivery and how well they were able to get the HIV messages across to the children. The session involved 60 children between 10 and 13 year olds. The monitoring and evaluation forms from the session showed that all 3 kids spoken to at the end knew all their ABCs and T compared to the lack of awareness at the beginning. In terms of the delivery content of the session, it was job well done.
Throughout the session the teacher from the school who helped organise the group of children enjoyed watching how the session was delivered and took many photos of his children enjoying their cricket.