Everest Basecamp 2018

Hi, my name is Anthony Narain and I love doing charity work. I have taken part in many events across Europe and even India, and in October 2016 I went to Botswana with Cricket Without Boundaries (CWB). It has turned my world upside down. The things I saw and the conversations I was a part of whilst in Botswana made me realise I live a good healthy life in England, and reminded me of the first 15 years of my life living in Guyana, South America. My life was similar to some of the kids I was with, and right there and then I decided that when I got back to England I was going to make a difference and raise awareness about the struggles a child, family or adult living with HIV/AIDS in Africa must cope with. I wanted to put myself out there, and do something for them. CWB is working in Africa trying to educate kids and teachers through cricket about the risks of HIV/AIDS, how to protect themselves from the disease, and how to find treatment if they are HIV positive. The charity is run on  volunteer support with limited resources, and I wanted to raise some money for CWB.

On the 15th November 2018, I will be setting off to Nepal to take on the world’s most famous mountain in aid of Cricket Without Boundaries. This will see me attempt my toughest challenge ever. I have never climbed a mountain in my life or walked any length of time. On this challenge, I will be trekking for 12 long straight days and reaching Everest Base Camp, 5,380m above sea level!

If you would like to support me you can visit my sponsorship page at www.virginmoneygiving.com/anthonynarain. Or you can always contact
me on anthonynarain29@hotmail.com and mobile 07428728242.

Thanks for all your support,
Anthony Narain

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