Name: Sally Johnston (Project Leader/Welfare)
Nickname: Spad
Where do you live: Ringmer, a village in East Sussex featuring a curry house no less, more than one cricket pitch, various random organisations too quirky to mention and the South Downs & Glyndebourne on our doorstep
Age: 47
Describe yourself in three words: Sugar and Spice
What made you apply to volunteer for CWB: It was because I had a philanthropic itch to scratch. I went to Rwanda with CWB in 2010 & I’m still itchy
What are you most looking forward to: Smiley children, meeting fascinating people, pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, unfamiliar smells, sights and noises, big African skies, the inevitable reality check, two weeks off work, sun & rain, a bank load of good memories
Advice you would give your younger self: Don’t sweat about the small stuff
Non researched fact about HIV/AIDS: HIV is a condition that can be controlled with meds
Can you give a pledge for CWB’s 10th anniversary year in 2015: I will host a CWB profile and fundraising event, plus eat 10 cakes in 10 minutes
Name: John Brown (Umpiring & Scoring)
Nickname: JB- my preferred choice from several less favourable alternatives
Where do you live: Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire – a small village in West Oxfordshire
Age: 65
Describe yourself in three words: Tall, grey, sports-nut
What made you apply to volunteer for CWB: I got talking to someone at a party who had volunteered; he told me all about CWB
What are you most looking forward to: Returning to Uganda and to see how the project has progressed since I was there in 2012 and to hopefully meet up with some of the local coaches again
Coaching and/or volunteering experience: I qualified as a level 2 coach about 20 years ago when my club first introduced a youth section and have coached U11-U17 age groups during that time. I have been a cricket volunteer for 40 years; I have been secretary or Chairman of my present club, OBNCC who play in the Cherwell League, for the last 35 years
Advice you would give your younger self: Take it all in
Hero, living or legend: Cricketing heroes were Barry Richards and Malcolm Marshall who I had the privilege of watching play for Hampshire. Wes Hall, when I was taken to watch the West Indies as part of the school cricket team and made me double the length of my run up as a result!
Non researched fact about HIV/AIDS: The pattern of sexual behaviour in Africa is very different to that in Western countries and that is something that needs to be understood when seeking to understand why it is so prevalent in Sub Sahara countries
Name: Paul Rallings (Monitoring & Evaluation)
Nickname: Rollo (aren’t cricketers original!!)
Where do you live: Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire – a small village on the Thames
Accent: Hint of old Oxfordshire
Age: 55
Describe yourself in three words: Adventurous immature sportslover
What made you apply to volunteer for CWB: I had been looking for some sort of charity work where my skill set could be useful for quite some time. I came across CWB and realised that my coaching skills could be put to work
What are you most looking forward to: Coaching juniors in an entirely alien environment
How are you raising funds for the trip: I initially sent a mail-shot to friends simply asking for sponsorship for the work I will be doing in Uganda. I am currently looking at corporate sponsorship from local firms
Advice you would give your younger self: Enjoy it all
Hero, living or legend: Martin Johnson – the real reason England won the World Cup in 2003.
Non researched fact about HIV/AIDS: HIV can exist in the body for quite some time before – or even if – that body starts to suffer from AIDS. (As I said at my interview, I know very little about HIV/AIDS)
Name: Peter Yates (Blogs & photos)
Nickname: Yatesy
Where do you live: Dunstable, on the Chiltern Hills. Biggest town in the South without a railway station (Beechingnised). Henry VIII divorced Catherine of Aragon in Dunstable Priory (first known example of a cricket widow, apparently)
Accent: The Oval
Describe yourself in three words: I really can’t count
What made you apply to volunteer for CWB: They promised pancakes. And tickets to Lord’s
What are you most looking forward to: Pancakes. Have a bad feeling about the tickets
Coaching and/or volunteering experience: Played most of my cricket on the wonderful village grounds of Somerset and Devon. Handle Ebay listings for British Heart Foundation in my area. Volunteer at Foodbank and CALM
Name a random skill that you have that you could deploy in Uganda: Barbequeing
Advice you would give your younger self: Grow up
Hero, living or legend: Harold Pinter. Heroine (in the interests of equality): Patricia Kaas
Non researched fact about HIV/AIDS: Freddie Mercury, RIP. And those ads were scary
Can you give a pledge for CWB’s 10th anniversary year in 2015: I will interview Sir Ian Botham
Name: Reece Brant (Blogs & Media)
Nickname: Tangles
Where do you live: Sutton-on-Sea in Lincolnshire on the East Coast. Most people have heard of Skegness which is half an hour away
Accent: Lincolnshire
Age: 23
Describe yourself in three words: Fun, Energetic, Bubbly
What made you apply to volunteer for CWB: I have always wanted to do some kind of charity work involving cricket. CWB will enable me to pass on any knowledge of cricket I have to the youngsters in Uganda who are less fortunate than myself
How are you raising funds for the trip: Carried out a Van Pull through my town, organised a cricket match, a large raffle, private donations and sponsorships
Coaching and/or volunteering experience: Level 2 ECB Cricket Coach. Coach all three junior teams at my local club in Sutton-on-Sea
Name a random skill that you have that you could deploy in Uganda: Crazy Dancing
Advice you would give your younger self: You only live once
Hero, living or legend: Bumble – David Lloyd – A great guy
Non researched fact about HIV/AIDS: HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS
Name: Steve Wells (HIV/AIDS lead)
Nickname: Gwandad
Where do you live? Claygate, Surrey. Five pubs, one cricket team. Fair balance
Accent: Compromised Home Counties, but lapses back into Worcestershire/Archers when I’ve had a few…
Age: 67, 68 the day before we depart…so I’ll be really old then…
Describe yourself in three words: On the go…can’t risk stopping
What made you volunteer for CWB? Love cricket, loved my time volunteering in Rwanda
What are you most looking forward to? Sharing enjoyment of cricket in a completely new environment
How are you raising money for the trip? Sponsorship of the ‘Wells Family Marathon’ involving running 85 laps of the boundary at Claygate Cricket Club
Coaching and/or volunteering experience. Set up colts section at local cricket club. Mentoring of ex-offenders, and facilitator of restorative justice
Name a random skill that you have that you could deploy in Uganda: Facilitation of problem-solving/mediation…but I hope not!
Advice you would give to your younger self: Get a nose job when it was cheap!
Hero. Living or Legend? Tom Graveney and Basil D’Oliveira watched at New Road as an awestruck schoolboy
Super Power? To play a shot through mid-wicket like Tom Graveney
Non Researched Fact about HIV. Prevention is better than control, especially in poor countries
Can you give a pledge for CWB’s 10th anniversary year? I’ll get sponsored by fellow members of the Surrey Over 60’s squad for every wicket I take
Name: Philip Silvester (Kitty Monitor)
Where do you live: Ashprington, Devon
Accent: Terrible
Age: 63
Describe yourself in three words: Nothing is serious
What made you apply to volunteer for CWB: Love cricket, love volunteering, CWB sounds so worthwhile
What are you most looking forward to: Smiles and teamwork
How are you raising funds for the trip: Blackmail, selling earplugs, bicycles and cream teas
Coaching and/or volunteering experience: London Ambassador from 2012, ICC cricketeer, PGA golf host and hopefully a St Mungo mentor
Name a random skill that you have that you could deploy in Uganda: I can clear streets with my singing!
Advice you would give your younger self: There’s no way out so go for it
Hero, living or legend: Cricket – Jack Robertson, other – Laura Trott
Non researched fact about HIV/AIDS: A potion of fried elephant and rhino poachers’ testicles cures HIV/AIDS
Name: Steve Williams (Tutor)
Info to follow