Day 4 – loving lira by hersh

As the sun rose on Day 4, the CWB team set off for another action-packed day of cricket coaching—armed with enthusiasm, and sunscreen (you can never have enough)

First stop of the morning; St. Mary’s Girls School, where we were greeted by an eager group of young faces. Lucky for us, we had the support of our local CWB family. coach and ambassador Sandra wasted no time getting everyone moving, with some great dancing (please see video for full effect!) and drills. Meanwhile, Coach Igalu used the morning to get to work with the school’s girls’ team, helping them polish their match skills and hopefully one day we see them holding up the World Cup! Despite the scorching sun and our increasingly well-cooked skin, the kids’ energy was limitless. They dove into games of Rapid Fire, showing off some impressive teamwork and the kind of enthusiasm you’d expect from someone who just found out it’s rolexes for lunch! To wrap up the morning, herds of smiling boys and girls from Ojwina Primary emerged from the grasslands, ready to give cricket a go. Again impressing with some awesome eagerness to learn and take part in the greatest game. After a well-earned lunch (where some team members discovered the magic of Mountain Dew— it is life changing. I do recommend!), we were back at it again.
The afternoon brought in two more schools, which only added to the fun. As school finished, curious onlookers turned into eager participants, and suddenly we had an army of kids ranging from tiny beginners to towering 15-year-olds. Switching things up, running a mix of small games—over/under drills, catching challenges, batting competitions—the children all loved it, and the chaos became (somewhat) controlled.

With another incredible day wrapped up, we left the field slightly burnt (thank you coach tarn for reminding to apply sunscreen), but absolutely buzzing with the joy of cricket. Bring on the festival tomorrow

uganda25 Written by:

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