An extra 15mins lie in was very welcoming this morning topped off by pancakes for breakfast. A great start for what we knew was going to be a very full on last coaching day. We split into our two groups: Team Brian and Team Samuel and off we went to our two grounds. Team Brian went to Kawoto School where the whole school (just 220) was ready and waiting on flat, well grassed facilities within the Mehta sugar plantation. The children from Nursery to P1 participated in some physical literacy, learning the basic fundamental movements and from the smiles on their faces were having the best time ever. From P2 upwards they worked their way through the three main disciplines with some specialist bowling and batting workshops provided for those advanced students. After 80mins of physical activity the nursery/p1 children were exhausted and very much enjoyed playing sleeping lions!
Reunited in the afternoon, we went to Little Angels playing field – actually a flat area of baked dust next to a rubbish dump. Problem? Not al all! After 10 days here the CWB team can put on a worthwhile session anywhere that isn’t underwater or fogbound.
The pupils revelled in the game, the locals were intrigued and the teachers delighted. Head, shoulders, knees and toes was a particular success whilst rapid fire cricket had balls flying to all points.

They were so enthused they immediately entered a second team into the next day’s festival.
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