Day 1… Turkish deligHts

They say the unplanned trips are the best… so this trip is guaranteed to be the best. Delayed flight from Manchester, meant that Tom, Lee and Clare missed the connecting flight to Kampala… leaving the rest of the team  – the Gatwick gang- wondering what had happened and the 3 musketeers stranded in a Turkish hotel, 24 hours behind the rest of the group…

Embracing the motto from a previous CWB trip… adapt and overcome… the wheels of the well oiled machine started spinning. Manny greeting Tim, Mark, Yolanda, Jon and Jamie in Kampala, as planned, and sorting out alternative arrangements for the follow on group. A quick session at Lira Town College got the Gatwick gang in the mood for the rest of the trip!  

Lucky to have Lee in the stranded group to coordinate things,  and keep panic stations to a minimum. Tom to keep us upbeat… and both guys to manage Clare’s anxiety. 

So it’s off to the pool we go… be rude not to… and make the most of the alternative travel plans, before heading back to the airport to pick up where we left off.

It’s a bit like being in a parallel universe, but a good one all the same.

Onwards and upwards.., what else could possibly go wrong ..? On seconds thoughts, don’t ask.

Uganda, here we come 😊

Written by Clare-Matic

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