During the final dinner, we asked all of our project team to name their top… Read the postThe Top Order
The final morning in Rwanda got off to the usual curveball start. The key to… Read the postClose of Play
Our final coaching day of the trip began with an unexpected treat – time with… Read the postThe final overs
I crawled out of bed at 3.45 am pie-eyed and slightly delirious after the crazy… Read the postGorillas Stopped PLay
With our flight to Kigali taking off 6hrs late and making an unexpected stop in… Read the postOpening the innings in Rwanda
Thoughts on our time in Uganda from coach David. I was last in Africa over… Read the postEnd of the uganda innings
Our second day of coaching started in classic African fashion where we went to the… Read the postCricket is the winner
We all eventually made it to Heathrow even though one of us went to the… Read the postA lot of hard yakka