In at the deep end

First time volunteer Mark on our first days coaching

11881762_488647334651356_1874476070_nDay 1 of the coaching and delivering the HIV message started with a bang as the Project Leader and Tutor both deserted the rest of the team to run a coach education course with the local teachers, leaving us to coach over 200 kids with beaming smiles.

With this being my first trip as a nervous volunteer I think its safe to say I quickly looked to Steve and Reece for help as the school field flooded with energetic children who could not wait to get started.

The kids were split into 5 groups …. I was now on my own attempting to entertain about 25, so the fun began!!

The morning all went as planned (the plan was minimal to say the least) and I could not help but feed off the enjoyment that the children all brought with them. Throwing, catching, running. Constantly.

After a short much need break for lunch; a balanced diet of crisps, cakes, chocolate and pop was quickly consumed, we headed off on a short trip to the second school of the day. The equipment came out of the bus and quickly was gathered up as the rain came down and put a halt on the proceedings. But it did not dampen our spirits or more importantly that of the next group of willing boys and girls.

10665542_1069530856390555_1520737441_nAnother couple of hours of fun and laughter was had by all and the kids gained in confidence shouting out their responses to the ABC T questions asked.

By this time Lee and Sara as Project Leader and Tutor respectively had kindly graced us with their presence to help wrap up the afternoon’s activities. Then, without any planning at all we jumped aboard the bus with a baseball coach from a local team and an impromptu game of baseball just took place. I’m not quite sure how that got on to the day’s agenda but it was an amazing end to the day. I think Lee had something to do with it. What a great day!

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