9th March – day twelve

Hi, Jack again, After our first night in Fort Portal, which was very loud due to the pounding rain on the tin roof, we enjoyed breakfast with our Scottish friends from the previous evening! We then set off to deliver coach education to the local teachers from the surrounding area. This is perhaps the most important aspect of our work here in Uganda in terms of sustainability, as it is the teachers who will be passing our message on to their pupils after we leave.
After a quick meet and greet at the headmasters office at Nyakasura school we set off to the most picturesque sports field in the world! The surrounding hills and banana plantations provided a beautiful back drop for our days work. While waiting for our teachers to arrive, the team chose to participate in fun and games with the adjoining primary school children! We had perhaps got more than we bargained for as we were swamped with more than 200 enthusiatic kids who wanted to play catch with the “Muzungus”. This for myself was one of the best moments of the trip so far!
Our coach education session, run today by Chris and Richard, incorporated basic fielding, batting and bowling skills along with plenty of games to make things fun, as well as providing demonstrations of our important HIV/AIDS awareness messages. I must say the teachers we had today were just as enthusiastic and enjoyable to work with as those we encountered in Mbale. I hope they will use what we have taught them today to develop cricket within their schools as well as passing on our all the HIV/AIDS awareness messages. A special mention must also go to the primary school prefect who kept his class mates away from our bus at lunch time by rather brutally beating anyone who came within 10 yards of it with a stick! Our afternoon working at the school finished with a game of kwik cricket, Cricket without boundaries vs Fort portal teachers, embarrassingly the Fort portal teachers came out on top! However this only acted as proof of how great at coaching we are!
We enjoyed a cold beer at the mountain garden restaurant with our driver Joseph and John our Ugandan Cricket Association representative here in Fort portal, before nipping back to the hotel for a quick shower, then returning to the restaurant for an enjoyable dinner. We enjoyed a quick drink before bed as it is Chris’s last night with the team. On behalf of the rest of the team I would like to thank him for running some excellent coaching and tutoring sessions, as well as having a being a great laugh! We are now all off to bed, looking forward to our first batch of children in Fort Portal tomorrow!

Czech: Dneska jsme byli ve Fort Portal a zacali jsme novy program s uciteli. Zitra nam privedou deti a vsechno zacne na novo. Fort Portal je nase nejoblibenejsi misto.

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4 Responses to 9th March – day twelve

  1. clement says:

    Great stuff guys…Keep the fire burning!

  2. Chris Guest says:

    Hey guys have landed back in blighty to a very clear day! Had a great nights sleep on the plane-(hope you slept well Mike!) and ready for the final leg of the journey home. Have a great days coaching today and keep up the good work

  3. Ed Williams says:

    Brilliant trip guys. What an adventure! Well done.

  4. Mike Stratford says:

    Great blog…………Glad you are all back safe and sound, each with your own stories of dust, heat, children and above all a relationship with each other…….well done! …….sorry I missed it!!!!!!!

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